OriginLab OriginPro 8.6 Portable | 168.0 MB
OriginLab produces professional data analysis and graphing software for scientists and engineers. Our products are designed to be easy-to-use, yet have the power and versatility to provide for the most demanding user.Origin is an easy-to-use software application that provides powerful data analysis and publication-quality graphing capabilities tailored to the needs of scientists and engineers. Origin offers unique peak-analysis and curve-fitting capabilities, over 60 customizable graph types, and analysis templates, all within a tightly integrated workbook environment.
OriginPro offers all of the features of Origin plus extended analysis tools for statistics, including several nonparametric tests and repeated-measures ANOVA, peak-fitting and 3D surface fitting, image processing, and signal processing.
Gadgets provide a quick and easy way to perform exploratory analysis using a region of interest (ROI). Gadgets introduced in this version are Quick Fit, Statistics, Integration, FFT, and Rise Time. The Quick Fit gadget allows you to launch the advanced NLFit tool using the same function and parameter values, offering more control of the fitting process.
Batch Processing
The Batch Processing tool extends the power of Analysis Templates by allowing users to process multiple files or datasets. Users need only to process one file to create an Analysis Template with custom import settings, desired analysis results, and a worksheet that specifies which analysis result parameters to select for reporting. The tool then allows a user to select multiple disk files, or multiple datasets in the project, and performs batch analysis on them. In the end, a report sheet that consolidates the user-specified analysis results is generated from each file or dataset. Multiple files or datsets can also be repeatedly imported into an existing workbook window containing custom analysis settings and a Summary Report sheet.
Batch Peak Analysis (Pro)
This feature allows OriginPro users to perfom peak fitting of one dataset, save their custom settings as a Theme file, and then perform batch peak analysis of multiple selected datasets in the project using the custom theme. A summary report sheet will be created that lists the dataset name and results from the peak analysis such as peak integration results, or multiple peak properties, depending on the Peak Analyzer goal saved in the theme.
Slide Show of Graphs
You can now view all graphs in your project, or in a particular subfolder, in a full-screen slide show. The slide show can be customized to play in a loop or end when last graph is displayed. Custom key entries can be used during the slide show including options to turn off speed mode if present, or go to the currently displayed graph window. The order of the slides can be set using a newly introduced slide order column in Project Explorer.
This feature combined with the Favorites Folder feature allows for user to easily collect together all desired graphs in a project for viewing or for presenting to colleagues.
Favorites Folder and Project Explorer Shortcuts
Shortcuts to any Origin Window type such as graph, worksheet, or matrix can be added to any folder in Project Explorer. A Favorites folder has also been introduced, allowing user to right click on any window to quickly add shortcut to Favorites folder. This allows for easy organization of key windows and graphs in your Origin Project, and can then be combined with the Slide Show feature to create custom presentations.
Export Graphs to PowerPoint
In addition to viewing graphs as a slide show, you can also export all graphs in the project or in any particular subfolder to a Microsoft PowerPoint file. The order of export can be set using same control used for setting slide show order. Controls are provided for specifying vertical and horizontal offsets and size in units of percentage of page size, for inserting the graph into the PowerPoint slides.
Password Protection and Audit Log
Origin Projects can be protected in version 8.1 using a password. User can also turn on an Audit Log which maintains a log of who saved the Project and at what time. The Audit Log can optionally be protected by a separate password, allowing for a manager to turn on the audit log and check the listing to view activity on the project.
The new features of Password Protection and Audit Log time stamps, combined with Origin's ability to import data from databases using customizable SQL queries saved within the Project, allows for electronic record keeping. These features are important for submitting Origin Projects to Government Agencies that have specific security guidelines such as to the US-FDA which requires 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.
New Graph Types
To complement the existing array of over 60 supported graph types, the following new ones are being introduced in Origin 8.1:
Ternary Contour Plot. This plot utilizes a fourth column of Z values to determine the contours for XYZ ternary data. Customization options include smoothing, and the newly introduced major and minor level contour controls and enhanced support for color palettes.
Weibull Probability Plot. The Weibull probability plot displays percentiles in order to determine if the data could be from a Weibull distribution. Data that are truly Weibull will plot as a straight line on the graph. Origin plots the reference line automatically, based on the Weibull parameters, which you may specify or let Origin estimate from the data.
Windrose Plot. The Windrose plot combines elements of a 2D polar graph with a bar chart, and is very useful for displaying directional data. It is most often used to display variations in wind speed and direction.
New Templates. New graph templates have been added to easily plot multiple datasets in same graph with shared X axis and multiple color-coded Y axes with offsets.
Contour Plot Customization
Enhancements have been made to customization options for contour plots. Users can now set major and minor levels for contours, and optionally only display contour lines at major levels. This allows for a contour plot with smooth color variations, but at the same time not too many contour lines, thus reducing clutter.
Improvements have been made to applying color palettes to contour plots. Once a palette has been assigned, it can be remembered so that changes to the source data will result in reapplication of the same palette. Data (X-Y) corresponding to any or all contour lines can now be extracted to a worksheet.
Data Rearrangement
Data consisting of multiple mixed groups can now be unstacked to separate sets of columns by using one or more columns as group variables. Once grouped data is unstacked, graphing and analysis can be performed with more flexibility.
Data Reduction
Multiple new tools have been introduced for data reduction. These include a tool for deleting rows by skipping, such as deleting every alternate row, and a tool for reducing data with duplicate X values.
The duplicate reduction tool allows for specifying what quantity to use for replacing Y values, such as mean, min, median or sum.
Data Reduction (Pro)
OriginPro provides additional tools for data reduction. These include a tool to reduce data to evenly spaced X values, and a tool to reduce data based on subgroup statistics of X values. Both tools provide multiple methods for deciding how to distribute the reduced data. The tools also provide a preview window of the results.
Signal Decimation (Pro)
This tool provides you with the ability to reduce data by a specified factor, with an optional filter specification. The filter options include moving average or finite impulse response.
Rise and Fall Time Analysis (Pro)
This tool can be utilized to measure rise and fall time of signals. An interactive panel can be used to specify the range of interest on the graph.
Signal Envelopes (Pro)
This tool computes envelope of a signal. Options are provided for computing either upper or lower envelope, or both. A smoothing option is also provided allowing user to specify number of points to be used for smoothing.
Surface Area (Pro)
Surface area can be computed using this tool with data organized in a matrix or in XYZ format in a worksheet.
Custom Menus
The Custom Menu Organizer tool can be used to customize existing menu items by turning selected items off, or to add your own additional main menu items for tailoring the software to meet the specific needs of your end user. Multiple menu configuration files can be created and saved, and shared with other users. Sharing such menu configuration files is supported with the group folder. This feature can be utilized in organizations to provide a custom, consistent interface for all users, or to customize the interface for including the software with instrumentation.
LabTalk Function Support
Support for user-defined functions with multiple parameters has been added to Origin's LabTalk scripting language . Functions can be easily defined and used in script such as from the function plotting interface.
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English